Social Media

Good morning!

It's a wet start to the day..

We had a good day yesterday, getting sorted from the shows and then we had the next batch of molasses to put on to ferment. It was fun and games getting the camera set up to film it, thankfully the holder did its job, we had visions of it falling off and landing in the molasses which would have been a disaster. It didn’t happen and we were super happy with the results. 

We uploaded it onto TikTok mid afternoon. It's interesting when it comes to social media, I had a long chat this morning about it. You never know what is going to be popular when you post, absolutely no idea, some things take off and go viral somethings don’t. Lots of companies use social media for different things. We use it to tell the world, what we do, how we do it and the products that we make etc, we also use it to show who we are and interact with our customers/followers. It's something that is there to be used, it has a far greater reach than us just putting an advert in a paper or something like that. We can use it to show much more than a single advert can. 

So initially the TikTok went up, I then find myself spending 5 to 10 minutes staring at the app, seeing if it's uploaded and if it starts to get any views. Rather than get obsessed with it, I have to put the phone down and leave it. We sat outside in the sunshine having a coffee chatting about different things we are doing. I then came back in, took a look and wow, it had loads of views and comments and likes etc. The followers on TikTok ask lots of interesting questions about the distilling, so we answer them as best we can and then put the phone down and carry on with what we need to get done. Then the same as Facebook and Instagram, we pop on every now and then to respond to comments and messages etc.

I still don't have much of an idea about TikTok, however its fun posting on there and who knows where it will take us and what will come off the back of it.

We also spent some time sorting out the Whisky barrels, this involves filling them with hot water and then leaving it to swell up. It needs to swell up so that it won't leak when we then fill it up with new malt spirit. We have some more Whisky which will be ready later in the year. These ones will be filled and then we wait another 3 years.

Right best get to it, off to a meeting

Catch you later

Ant x


Mountain to climb

