Weather app

Good morning!

It's Monday and a new week, here’s to a good week!

Had a lovely weekend and am currently feeling refreshed and recharged ready to go.

We have the three shows this weekend to get planned and ready for, looking forward to getting out there, we cannot control the weather, but let's be positive, Sunday we are in our own gazebo on Hunstanton high street, the weather app is currently saying it's going to be dry and reasonably warm, so i am going with that!

We also have a big meeting later in the week with a very large holiday park on the Norfolk coast, which I am looking forward to. I think there are lots of opportunities and after speaking to them on the phone and via email they seem great people to work with. 

Each week that passes we are getting closer to busier times, the year opens up for us, we will soon be writing about how we don’t have much time as we are here, there and everywhere!! It's the same every year.

We are also going to fill the oak barrel again this week, it seems to be taking days to seal properly, we had a few tiny tiny leaks, water seeping out very slowly, so fingers crossed they are now sealed then we can empty the water out and refill it with malt spirit.

The molasses has finished fermenting so we will be filling the still today and then distilling rum tomorrow, lots of filming involved and then we will be posting it on our TikTok as part of the how we make rum series.

Right I best get on it, off to a meeting!

Catch you later

Ant x


Running around!

