Bloody printer!

Good morning!

Wow it is Thursday already, feels much warmer today. 

We had a pretty good day yesterday, just chipping away, processing orders and getting pouches filled off. 

We have filled off some extra gin pouches and these will be going up to the shops, just a couple of pouches of some of the popular gins to put in the shops to see if people are interested in buying them. We also have a couple of bottles of whisky going up to each shop to put those in too.

We have one small event this weekend, the Holbeach farmers market so we will be sending Sarah with some whisky too. It will be the first event we have had whisky on the stand at, so if you are based near Holbeach pop along. It's a great farmers market full of amazing stalls, selling lots of different products. Our friends from Birdhouse brewery will also be there.

We had a response from a group that meets up near Wells yesterday and they have asked if we would open during the evening so they have somewhere to meet up, they are going to come and see us so that is positive. Its still early in the year so as the year opens up if we can keep creating noise out there then things will get busier. 

I heard from the bakery that we met and they will have the samples of the new products in the next week or so over to us and then we can start selling these. Again its just another lesson in nothing ever happens quickly, you just have to let things flow and they will happen when they are supposed to happen. 

If you saw our live yesterday, it was very funny, so typical us, we went on to let people know that the Caramel Rum liqueur is now available in pouches, but literally at this point on the live we found out the bloody printer had broken again..It can be temperamental in the cold, but it will be back up and running today. It really made us laugh, just another hurdle to overcome, everyone says I will be bored when everything is sorted and calm…ha ha I won’t be, i’d take just a day of calm and no problem or challenge to overcome, that would be nice. But as a friend who has been in business for many years told me, the day you don’t have a problem to overcome, expect two the following day, and if you don’t experience problems and challenges to overcome, then you don’t have a business! It was great advice.

Right best get to a meeting..

Catch you later

Ant x



