Light bulb moment!

Good morning!

Even though its only Thursday, today is the day our weekend kind of starts. We have to start setting up over at Peterborough this morning. Really excited and will show you how we get on.

Yesterday was another good day, things started being put together properly, plenty of lists made and things ticked off. Things pop in our heads and get written down, then throughout the afternoon we got the things out that we will need. Will there be something that we have not thought about? Absolutely, probably several, but there will be nothing that we can’t work round. As long as we have the essential, booze, mixers, ice and cups then everything will fall into place.

Its funny, we have some new lights to put up in the tent, its one of those stretch tents, 50m of lights in fact, then realised last week we didn’t have any bulbs. Didn’t even know what type of bulbs were needed, so after going to check the lights, they were hidden away, several times because of forgetting what they were we finally sat down to order them. A few days later 60 led bayonet light bulbs turn up, excellent, super excited to put it all together. It was only then we checked the finishing times of the festival, 8.30pm. The other evening whilst enjoying a beer in the garden at around 8.30pm it suddenly dawned on us, its not even dark!! We laughed so hard at this, this is typical of us, but it doesn’t matter the lights are going up anyway and we have to spend an hour or two once the festival is finished at night clearing away so at least we will be able to see. It will also be good practice for the other festival in July which will go on very late.

Today is just about getting the tent and the actual bar up and then getting back to load up for tomorrow, thankfully its not too far away from the distillery because we are bound to of forgot something and it will give us the option to get back and get it or just do without it!

If you are coming to the festival over the weekend, its being held at Nene Park, Peterborough and say the words ‘John and Rip’ (its a Yellowstone reference) you will get a free shot of Toffee Vodka. 

Right, no time for the meeting this morning, off to load the tent up, forgot to mention it involves using a sledge hammer to put the massive pegs in the ground and the new girl being the newest member of the team has been voted as the person to hold the pegs, guess who is in charge of hitting the pegs!! Its all good, we have a first aid kit…As you know when you are the new person, you get all the good jobs ha ha

Don’t worry Carol, she is in good hands!

Catch you later


John and Rip


Howdy Partner!