Howdy Partner!

Good morning!

What a beautiful day yesterday. It feels like summer is round the corner, probably ruined now and will rain for a week, but currently it's lovely and this morning is the same. 

Preparations for the weekend are in full swing, we have a couple of shows, Hadleigh on Saturday and Woodhall Spa on Sunday. Plus we have the festival at Peterborough Friday to Saturday. We will try and go live at the festival, depending on how busy we are to show you our set up and what's happening. 

We were discussing this yesterday, this is something new for us, an event this big, so we have no idea what to expect. Its very easy for people to say, you will smash it, it will be amazing etc and that positivity is amazing and really appreciated. However we have to curb high expectations because the reality is nobody knows. Experience has taught us that there are so many variables to these things it's very difficult to predict, the weather can have a dramatic effect on what happens as an example. Both good or bad, a warm sunny day will bring lots of people out or the alternative, well that's not worth mentioning. Positive thoughts, it's going to be warm and sunny….

So when it comes to these things we set ourselves goals, what would be a success, what would be brilliant, and what would be bloody amazing! If we achieve our goal of success then we will be very happy. Anything else will be a bonus. If we set the bar (excuse the pun) too high to start with it will take the enjoyment out of it and we will feel disappointed. Hopefully all of the team will be over at some point because we want everyone involved to have some fun at the bar and be part of it and proud of what we are all doing.

A couple of us are what you would call obsessed with the Yellowstone programme so on Saturday we will be dressed as cowboys! Random, yes absolutely, but we are known for being random, so yeee haaaa! Howdy partner!

Today is more of the same, bottling etc, sorting stuff that needs to be sorted, and its going to be a good day. 

You might have noticed we write less about the speedbumps nowadays, not because they don't happen, they happen all the time, but we are far better equipped to deal with them, so much so we don’t give them much thought and most of the time just deal with them.

Off to a meeting, decent coffee and then on it!

Have a good day!


Light bulb moment!


My Gratitude!