Thanks again!

Good morning!

It's Friday!!!! As you know today is when we have a little look back over the week to reflect on what's gone well and what's not gone so well, to see if we have made progress.

Well it's been a great week, despite being a shorter one, it really has, the gin tasting night was one of the highlights and we are really looking forward to the one in June. Some tickets have sold already which is amazing. We have secured another festival which will be in Peterborough again, but it's in July, which is perfect timing for us. The shops are doing well and we have plans for those. So it's been a great week. 

We never take these things for granted, they only happen because the whole team, which includes the people in the shops, get up everyday and regardless of what's happening both in work and in their personal lives have a positive outlook when going to work. 

The new member of the team, Lucy is doing great, we knew we needed someone that would fit into the culture we have created, which is why we took our time interviewing, and she certainly has. Lucy, take it as a compliment that you have joined the social misfits because you clearly fit right in.

So now we have to get ready for this weekend's shows, Saturday we will be at Aldreth, which is near Ely, Cambs and Sunday we will be at the South Suffolk Show. Our friends Birdhouse Brewery will be with us on Sunday so will be a laugh. 

We have an important meeting at 10am, a project that we are working on, which is very exciting and more will be revealed when it gets finalised. Then its gets the vans loaded and enjoy the weekend.

Thanks again for reading and supporting us, we will never apologise for repeating our gratitude, this is something that should never be taken for granted, so thank you!

Have a great weekend whatever you are doing

Catch you later


On it!


Its a test!