On it!

Catch you later Good morning!

It's actually Monday, we have not written on a Monday for a while..

Hope you all had a good weekend.

We did, the shows were good, the shops did well so all is good at the shed in the fens.

This is a big week for us, actually it's a bloody massive week so much so that the first thought is, a negative one, how on earth are we going get everything done, what have we forgotten or the common one when things are going well something will come along to try and derail things. 

Writing this down here allows us to recognise this and as per previous blogs we know what to do.

The answer is very simple to say or to write but not so simple to do. Focus on today, park all the noise and stuff and focus on the here and now. If we can do this then the weekend will go smoothly and will be great fun etc If we don’t then it will be more stressful than it needs to be and we will have much less fun. 

So what do we need to do today..

It's the last distillation of the apple brandy, so that will be good to get finished. We need to unload the show stock and get that sorted away. Process internet order, thank you to everyone who has ordered. Check stocks for the weekend and start bottling etc. Write down what still needs to be done for the bar at Peterborough and tick things off when done. 

So its a short one today because by the end of writing this, instead of feeling anxious and overwhelmed, instead we are now itching to get going and get things done.

So off for a meeting and then on it!


My Gratitude!


Thanks again!