My Gratitude!

Good morning!

It is a beautiful morning, and it's going to be a good day. Part of my morning routine before leaving for the shed is to sit outside with a coffee, no phone or social media and just enjoy a few minutes of peace whilst drinking my coffee. My workout has been done, even when I can’t be arsed to do it, showered and dressed then I just sit for a few minutes. 

My routine before this moment gets rid of any anxious thoughts I might have about the day or the week ahead so when I get to this point I am usually in a positive frame of mind and then I think about things that I'm grateful for. 

This morning I was thinking about the people I have really close to me, my tribe, my team whatever you want to call them, they know who they are. The ones I can really open up to with no fear of judgement, they have no agenda apart from wanting the best for me. I am extremely grateful to have these people in my life, we have all been on a journey and I have too and these people have been my rock. They have seen the worst of me and never waivered. 

They often say that I do alot for them, I give them confidence to have a go at anything they want to, I sit on the sidelines and cheer them on, they come to me when they have a problem they can’t fix or get their heads round and I listen to them, give them my thoughts if they want me to and then I watch them go on and have a go at whatever they want to have a go at. 

What they don’t realise is that is exactly what they do for me, yes within my circle I am probably the most mental in terms of what I am prepared to have a go at, the goals and ambitions I have set myself, and many times they roll their eyes and think what on earth is up to now. But they never question what I am doing, they simply say ok and back me up 100%. They will also say, slow down, take care of yourself when I need to hear it, but they never try to restrict me, if anything they lift me up and their belief in me gives me the confidence to have a go at pretty much anything!

I have some goals, a bucket list of things that I want to achieve in my life, some work related and some personal. I deliberately choose to keep my personal life to myself, but next week I will share with you the goals and things I want to achieve in my life. You will think I am crazy, yes I probably am, but I am a big believer in if you put it out there, either write it down on paper, on here or just say it out loud, then forget about it and focus on what you have to do today, the universe will take care of it. 

Some people will think what a load of tosh, that's fine, but I believe in this and recent events have proven this is how it works, so this is something that I intend on exploring more. We all only have one life, and we all deserve to be happy, so think about something you would like to do, doesn’t matter if everyone around you think you are bonkers, look for the ones that say, amazing go for it, they are the ones that are going to help you on your journey. The others, well, their opinion doesn't matter…

Have a good day!


Howdy Partner!


On it!